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  • Sistema Patent Cooperation Treaty
    PCT (Source: INPI, with October 2001 modification)
  • Law No. 10,196, of February 14, 2001 – Amends and adds provisions to Law No. 9,279, of May 14, 1996, which regulates rights and obligations relating to industrial property, and makes other provisions.
  • Normative Act 127/97 – Provides for the application of the Industrial Property Law in relation to patents and certificates of addition of invention.
  • Resolution 283 – This Resolution disciplines the priority examination of Green Patent applications, the procedures related to the Pilot Program related to the subject and other measures.
  • Resolution 269/11 of 07/13/2011, in force since 02.08.2011, which standardizes the procedures related to the payment for the issuance of a Patent Letter.
  • Resolution 233/09 – Amends the Patent Application or Certificate of Addition Deposit Form and the PCT Form – Entry into the National Phase, instituted by Resolution No. 208, of April 24, 2009, as well as the forms of Petition or Application, related to the patent application, patent or certificate of addition, and also the Photocopy Form (DIRPA), instituted by Normative Act No. 130, of March 5, 1997.
  • Resolution 228/09 – Provides for the procedures for submitting the “Sequence Listing” for the purpose of complementing the descriptive report contained in the patent applications filed with the INPI, as well as for the representation of nucleotide and amino acid sequences in the “Sequence Listing” and revokes item 16.3 of Normative Act No. 127, of March 5, 1997.
  • Resolução 208/09 – Altera o Formulário de Depósito de Pedido de Patente ou de Certificado de Adição e o Formulário PCT – Entrada na Fase Nacional, instituídos pela Resolução nº 135, de 13 de dezembro de 2006 e revoga a Resolução nº 135.
  • Resolution 208/09 – Amends the Patent Application or Certificate of Addition Deposit Form and the PCT Form – Entry into the National Phase, instituted by Resolution No. 135, of December 13, 2006 and revokes Resolution No. 135.
  • Resolution 124/06 – Normalizes the procedures related to the payment of annuities and the restoration of patent applications and patents.
  • Resolution 279/11 – Institutes the protocol with the definitive number of the trademark registration application, the paper forms and the User Manual of the Trademark Directorate.
  • Resolution 263/11 – Establishes the Quality Management System of the Brands Board.
  • Resolution 121/05 – Standardizes the procedures for the application of art. 125 of Law No. 9,279, of May 14, 1996, and revokes INPI Resolution No. 110, of January 27, 2004.
  • Resolution 116/04 – Disciplines the procedures related to requests for refund of deadlines within the scope of the National Institute of Industrial Property – INPI.
  • Access here the INPI examination guidelines.< /li>
  • Resolution 278/11 – Deals with the filing of applications for registration of industrial designs and applications for registration of geographical indications and procedures related to the numbering of these applications.
  • Normative Act 161/02 – Provides for the application of the Industrial Property Law in relation to industrial design registrations.
  • Computer Program Law No. 9609/98 – Enacted on 02/19/98, it replaces Law 7646/87, entered into force on the date of its publication, provides for the protection of intellectual property of computer programs and its commercialization in Brazil.
  • Copyright Law No. 9.610/98 – Replaces Law 5988/73, enters into force 120 days after its publication; was enacted on February 19, 1998.
  • Normative Instruction 273/11 – Establishes the procedures related to the filing and processing of requests for registration of integrated circuit topography at the INPI.
  • Resolution 58/98 – Establishes the rules and procedures related to the registration of computer programs.
  • Resolution 201/09 – Establishes the deposit of technical documentation of Computer Program Registration Requests in electronic format and gives new wording to provisions contained in resolution No. 058 / 98.
  • Resolution 75/00 – Establishes new procedures for the Registration of Geographical Indications.